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Diana's Visit to Me

ok, after taking our silly booth pic we found a store with really pretty wedding dresses and super duper cute flower girl dresses so we had to try them on...the wedding dresses that is, and they match!...

Then we left the mall and FINALLY found a Target -4 hrs. later- and then we were hungry so this is us at a Tai restaurant in downtown DC (we had to ask more cops for directions to get there and we followed them incorrectly so when we showed up still lost 30 minutes later, the cops laughed at us and made fun of our texan-ness)...

After dinner, we went to FDR memorial (don't even ask how long it took us to get THERE) so this is our "I HATE WAR" - FDR MEMORIAL FEET PICTURE...

haha, while taking another feet pic i fell over (ya, go jac) and my butt got wet, so we took a butt picture (it takes talent to take a pic of your own butt now)...

Us and Lincoln...


ya, SHHHH!!...

HAHA, ok, after Lincoln we went to the Vietnam Wall, and then headed back to the car. That, my friend, is when God let the ultimate rain storm come down on us (well actually it was coming from all directions)so, ya, we got wet but we were laughing hysterically and had a great time riding home (Diana, THAT is something I'll NEVER forget)...

OK, obviuosly the next day, at the Naval Academy (Saturday morning)...

USNA has wonderful trees, fountains, benches, buildings, oh ya, and a coupla guyz too,...

Ya, we enjoyed this...

OK, here's a cool story: we wanted to find Jonathan but that's kinda hard when there's 4,000 mids in matching outfits, so I tried to remember his Company's # and couldn't and neither could his mom so I just took a pic of some random company marching by and, whatdayaknow, it was his company, 25!...

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